"BioTexnoEko" LLC will share updates, news, and information related to the waste management sector through this channel, including negative aspects.
"Attention to the residents of Surxondaryo region!"
On January 29, 2025, the People's Deputies Council of Surxondaryo Region adopted a decision "On approval of tariffs for the collection and disposal of solid and liquid household waste in the region."
✅ Reminder!
📑 The new tariff rates based on this decision will start to be applied from March 1, 2025.
💵📌 Until March 1, you can pay for household waste disposal based on the old tariff.
For individuals, the tariff per capita is
‼️ 7,840 som per month.
For legal entities, the tariff for
‼️1 cubic meter of household waste is 136,885 som.


General Director of "BIO TEXNO EKO" LLC
Rasulov Isomddin Kamolovich has been serving as the General Director of "BIO TEXNO EKO" LLC since 2018.
I.K. Rasulov was born on December 19, 1980, in the Termiz district of Surkhandarya region.
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Photos of cleanliness efforts in Surkhandarya region and Termiz city, as well as upcoming updates.
The BIO TEXNO EKO LLC meeting was held.
Today, on February 7, 2025, the next meeting was held at BIO TEXNO EKO under the leadership of our manager I.K. Rasulov. During the meeting, measures were determined to address delayed and overdue tasks. To improve the efficiency of work processes, it was emphasized that all controllers must switch to working with 100% Terma printers. Special attention was also given to the systematic resolution and analysis of annual reports. Specific measures were identified regarding the discussed issues, and corresponding instructions were given for their implementation.
"In our country, the dignity of a person is supreme."
Currently, special attention is being given to the implementation of preventive measures for the employment of citizens registered under probation, especially women, their adaptation to society, ensuring employment, and preventing recidivism. Efforts are also being made to create job opportunities to involve individuals under supervision in labor activities.
In Surkhandarya region, the company "BIO TEXNO EKO," operating in the area, has created job opportunities for 39 employees registered under probation, 3 of whom are women. Yesterday, the regional police officers, along with the company's responsible representatives, held a meeting with the employees on the special list. During the meeting, the working and living conditions were checked.
The purpose of such meetings is to help citizens who have unintentionally found themselves on the path of criminal activity reintegrate into society, assist them in earning an honest living, and create decent working conditions.
Thoughts and Comments
  • Umid Aliqulov
    Sharhrim toza bo'layotganidan mamnunman
  • Akmal Shadmanov
    Muzrabod tumani kimga murojat qilish kerak tel nomer bormi
  • Lola Raimova
    Xalqdi xizmatidan charchamanglar 👍
  • Azizbek Xaydarov
    Biotexnoeko ga respect
Thoughts and Suggestions
Contact the legal staff of "BIO TEXNO EKO" LLC
Dear representatives of legal organizations!
If your company has issues related to waste management, discrepancies in payment calculations, or questions regarding contract terms, the legal department of "BIO TEXNO EKO" LLC will provide you with the necessary assistance.
Phone: +998787708005
Contact the subscriber department of "BIO TEXNO EKO" LLC
Dear citizens!
If you have any outstanding payments for waste management or discrepancies in population-based calculations, you can contact the subscriber department of "BIO TEXNO EKO" LLC to resolve these issues.
Phone: +998554636101
Contact the call center of "BIO TEXNO EKO" LLC
Dear citizens!
If there are issues related to waste management or cleanliness in your area, you can contact the "BIO TEXNO EKO" LLC call center by dialing the short number 1348.
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